DF night-time reading modes - 3 New Colour Mode for Android Phone Users, Microsoft is working on three new color modes for viewing/reading the PDFs in OneDrive for Android Users. Google Play Store Application update has begun in June already and it should be completed by July 2021.Three new amazing color modes in which it would available are, once you update the OneDrive App
- Day

- Night

- Sepia

We store so many PDF files in our OneDrive, color options are important to us. These options are added because it would let you control how much blue light you want see.
Why this feature is so important for all of us, please read this very descriptive article about blue light. What is Blue Light, and How Does it Impact Our Health? (healthline.com)
Follow the instructions below to change the appearance as per your choice. To use the new night-time reading mode,
- Open a PDF in OneDrive for Android and tap to expand the bottom sheet of the screen.
- Tap on Appearance.
- In the Appearance window, select the colored circle for the day, night, or sepia mode.

In Conclusion, this a welcome feature in the PDFs and OneDrive to have all the time.
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Reference Link: Microsoft 365 Roadmap (Feature ID - 72230)
Image Credit: Microsoft (Weekly digest: Microsoft service updates)